Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Official Itinerary

June 25- 11:43am Leave Indianapolis for Beijing

June 26- 9:35pm Arrive in Beijing

June 27- We are hoping to visit a friend just outside of Beijing
Visit Summer Palace and have a Hutong Tour

June 28- Visit Tian An Men Square, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall

June29- 8:10am Take train to Jinan (where Genei is) and meet child in afternoon
This is our Forever Day!!!!!!

June 30- Bus to civil affairs office to do registration and notary

July 1- Visit Confucius Temple

July 2- Visit Tai Mountain

July 3- Visit Daming Lake

July 4- 655pm Fly to Guangzhou

July 5- Meet in guide's room to fill out forms for the consulate

July 6- Walk to church for Sunday Sermon

July 7- Take visa photo, child's medical exam, and group red couch photo

July 8- Visit Family Chen's Academic Center and pearl wholesale market

July 9- Send Visa documents with guide

July 10- Bus to US Consulate to take oath

July 11- 820am Leave Guangzhou for America
835pm Arrive in Indianapolis.

What a busy schedule. I can't wait. Please continue to pray for us throughout our trip


Ruth said...

I just posted our itinerary as well. We get in late on the 8th so we could dinner the 9th or 10th - let me know. We don't get to stay at the WS - we will be off the island. I am bummed about that!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I will for SURE pray for you! AAAAHHHHH!!!! You guys are leaving sooooon! Praying for both you AND Ruth! WWWWOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!

Pamela said...

I can hardly believe that you'll soon have your daughter in your arms! Can you believe the time is here? I am just beaming with excitement for you and I cannot wait until I see you with Genei! Enjoy and I'll be praying for you, Todd and the boys!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and tell you to have a FABULOUS trip! Soak in every moment....and can't wait to see pics of Genei in your arms FOREVER!!!!! Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of you both in the long journey to get Genei. We pray for you everyday that God will keep you in his favor and is with you every second you are away from us. Enjoy each and every moment from the instance you leave Home to the second you step back into your house. Thank you for bringing back our 14th grandchild. Even though I thought 13 was enough, I am so very pleased you are making it 14. I feel so blessed with my 3 children and all of my grandchildren. My love goes with you and Todd on this wonderful journey. I know your mother Genny would be so very proud of you.
Love you bunches, Dad and Mom

Unknown said...

Looking forward to your journey to Genie, I know the road has been long and full of bumps. God has seen you through and will continue to walk with you as you travel to bring you little daughter home to her new family. Be blessed on your trip!!

