Monday, June 09, 2008

We have Travel Approval and.......

We got word from our agency today that we received our travel approval from the CCAA today. That was fantastic news, and yet, the news that has left us speechless, is that they have moved up our travel dates. We will be leaving for China on June 26. That is in 17 days. My head is still spinning and I am in a complete tizzy trying to get all of our previously, neatly, arranged plans, changed. Mind you, I am not complaining, just a little stressed out with the amount of things I need to do to finish getting ready. I know it will all work out. God is amazing and his timing is perfect. I can't believe in less than three weeks I will be holding my daughter in my arms. Praise God!!!! Keep those prayers coming, we sure need them.


Mom 2 Four said...

Congratulations, what a beautiful little girl you have. We are also waiting for our son in Wenzhou, our LOA was 5/19/08.

Safe Travels,

Kelly and Matt said...

Wow, in just three short weeks you will be holding your little one! Wishing you the best as you rearrange your travel plans to your new date.

Anonymous said...

Alisha, I am so excited for you! Everything will work out and you'll be holding your baby girl FOREVER in no time! Happy packing!

Paula said...

That is wonderful that you are going so soon! I was looking at your pics of the SWI and I think the little girl standing with the nanny in pink in the infant room is the little one adopted by the family we traveled with in 2/07. Jinan is a wonderful place. Be prepared for lots of attention from the locals - we caused quite a stir in the park and at Mt. Tai Shan.

Rosie said...

All the best.Hope everything goes to plan.
