Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More pictures of Genei...and she is smiling!

I'm sorry I haven't been posting more. It is so hot and humid here that with busy days spent walking around by about 8pm I am exhausted.

Genei has been doing very well. She is very attached to her mommy and wants me most of the time. But she also loves her daddy, especially when he feeds her or bounces her up and down (see pictures above). She is beginning to be more relaxed and active. She has 7 teeth, including a couple molars on the bottom. As far as sizing goes, 6 month clothing fits her perfectly, but aren't expecting that to last very long....This girl can eat. She is taking 4-5 bottles per day and eating table food with meals. Our guide laughs and says she is always eating.
The last picture is at the Civil Affairs office in Jinan. On June 30th her adoption was final and she was legally ours. The lady in the picture with us (I can't remember her name) is one of the orphanage directors. Both she and our guide have been surprised at how quickly Genei seems to have attached to us. Praise God for prayers answered.


Anonymous said...

She's so beautiful and you both look like you couldn't be more happy.
God has blessed us all with a new family member. Hug her for us. Love Mom and Dad

Pamela said...

I love the pictures of her smiling! She really looks so comfortable with you! I Will continue to pray the rest of your time goes well and that your time here on out flies by ~ Blessings,

Ruth said...

Great to see the smiles!!! Looking forward to seeing her in person next week!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on OFFICIALLY having a daughter. THe pics of her smiling are adorable, and momma looks like she is glowing too!

Elizabeth Bergeron said...

What a sweet smile! Glad to see you all are enjoying little Genei. Don't melt!!


Anonymous said...

Your ladybug is nibbling all the time :-) very sweet.

Angie said...

Just precious! So glad to hear that she is attaching and doing so well! GREAT news!

Lisa said...


I am so glad things are going so smoothly...she is beautiful and I am soooo happy for you and your family

Donna said...

Precious!!! Honestly, she's just a doll and you both look so stinkin' happy!! Blessings are flowing, I can tell :)

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!! You are truly blessed.

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! All 3 of you look so happy. All of us at work can't wait to see you and meet your precious daughter.

AmyO said...

Such cute smiling pics! Congratulations :)
