Friday, April 24, 2009

Almost a year!


Donna said...

Loved it!! You did a great job...made me feel even more guilt for not having ours done ;) We started it, but alas...
Genei looks so happy, and I love her new pictures!

Carrie said...

She's so cute! I love the pictures of her in the next post -- especially the one of her scrunched up face! Thanks for sharing; and congrats on the almost one year. What an incredible blessing she must be.

Pamela said...

I loved the slide show... that song was one that I played over and over when we were paperchasing for Selah in china... it still brings back such great memories of the anticipation of things to come. I loved all the pictures. Genei is growing up so much and fits so perfectly in your family. God is so good.

Grandpa said...

Daddy is so proud of you and I know that your mother is looking down from heaven and feeling the same as I do. Genei is growing so fast and I know that you and Todd are holding on to every moment of her life. Love you bunches, Dad
